
Metaal Recycling Twente complies with all criteria stipulated by the government and possesses all the required permits. That makes us a reliable partner for the removal of your ferro and non-ferro products.

Metaal Recycling Twente is a member of the Metaal Recycling Federatie (MRF). The MRF’s goal is to promote environmentally friendly and economically responsible recycling of all metals used in the Netherlands. An annual assessment is required for membership of the MRF. This assessment is carried out by an independent organisation. During this process, our company is evaluated in respect of health and safety and the environment. In addition, we are evaluated for compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations.

As stated earlier, quality, customer focus and the environment are high priorities for Metaal Recycling Twente. Since these aspects are always subject to change, Metaal Recycling Twente recognised the need to meet NEN-EN-ISO 9001 and NEN-EN-ISO 14001 standards. Metaal Recycling Twente has been certified in respect of these since October 2015 and is now well equipped to guarantee internal and external quality and to improve where necessary.


Legislation, certification (ISO 9001 and 14001) and the relevant permits impose strict criteria to which Metaal Recycling Twente must adhere. Therefore, the company’s internal standards are focused on quality assurance in respect of operational management and service. Both private individuals and companies can supply materials. Our staff members ensure quick and efficient processing. Our service levels and customer focus are of the utmost importance to us.
